Today it’s been the 57th day of lockdown and is likely to continue for more days. While sitting at home and maintaining social distance; many of us are making days productive by learning, taking online webinars, sharpening their cooking skills, and exploring their hobbies.

There are some days and time; where we are dealing with the lockdown boredom and find it tough to continue with regular routines. Sometimes it’s actually a stressful situation to repeat the same work inside four walls.

During this situation; to kill boredom and refresh with fun activities and interaction. We organized a “Refreshment Session” to our Glocal Teen Hero Alumni. It was a 2-hour revealing and refreshing session on Saturday.

Around, 28 GTH members from 4 different countries were gathered together to experience a virtual Zoom Game. It started with a funny individual introduction with weird alphabet names.

Next, it followed with the “Rapid Fire Round” with few fun questions. GTH Alumni were asked to tell their answers in one word which helped them to know about each other’s thoughts on particular questions. On the floor Ms. Samata Shrestha (Finalist of Glocal Teen Hero, 2016) made everyone surprised with her Rap songs. Seeing this everyone were motivated to explore their hidden talents.

To make the session more interesting Mr. Arjun Acharya (Glocal’s 20under20 of 2019 Batch) shared his few poems; which made the environment divergent. On the site, Ms. Sushila Shrestha (Operation Manager of Glocal Pvt. Ltd.) came up with the Damsararat Game to bring more fun in the session. Members actively played the game and enjoyed the fun actions.

Likewise; it continued with the next game i.e “Kahoot Quiz Game” where different questions were prepared for the members. The members completely enjoyed the time and had a great time interacting with all the members. In the session; they were able to know each other and create value among them.

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