An 18 years old, 12th grader student at GVN College, Nepalgunj, Ankit Mishra is an enthusiastic Child Rights Activist from Nepalgunj who has been actively working on child rights since he was only 12 years old. Currently, He is leading a Children’s Club and working for Children Participation and Child Rights. 

He is studying the situation of children in Nepalgunj; who are suffering from COVID-19 and the possible challenges. With a focus on child marriage and child labor; he has been conducting different activities. Apart from that, He is also working as a Child Journalist in a Community Radio Network to be aware of Child Rights. He has already implemented various child projects through Child Club.

His Journey

Ankit started his journey of activism at a very tender age. Even at that young age, he was aware of the problems that could be solved by active engagement and conducting different activities. Firstly, when he joined the Children’s Club, he heard about the condition of Children in his locality. Then, he started working on child issues. He is currently leading a Children’s Club and working for Child Rights and social welfare. Besides, he has been focusing on various issues and conducting various activities related to children’s issues. Through these activities, he can make people aware of the harms these child marriages and labor do to the children’s lives. 

Ankit wanted to make his child rights journey more impactful which led him to start a journey as a Child Journalist in a Community Radio Network. He highlights the issues of child rights through journalism. He wants to provide a better life for the children who haven’t been getting the rights they deserve. 

The encouragement of the personalities involved in the activity and his perseverance inspired him to engage in these child activities. The activities that he has conducted have brought a positive impact on society. Similarly, children are also getting involved in different campaigns to work sensitively for children’s rights. 

Impact Created

The activities they have conducted have brought a positive impact on society. Now, The children can speak regarding their rights and the government has also supported their campaign.

Ankit Mishra was selected among the 20 brightest young entrepreneurs, innovators, and game changers below the age of 20 in Nepal, for the year 2020. This annual list is the ultimate honor roll of young game changers reshaping Nepal for the better. The platform seeks to encourage the youths to share their initiation, creativity, and enthusiasm which will then motivate them and more of the other youths in the nation to develop an entrepreneurial thinking.

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