Mr. Deepak Sutihar
Mr. Deepak Sutihar from Saptari is a 19 years old passionate Social Entrepreneur. He is the Founder of ‘Humanity is still Alive’, which aims to support underprivileged children and orphans in their education. He along with his team had organized one of the biggest ‘1st Paper Quiz Contest which happened to be the largest contest in the history of Nepal. And in success; They were able to raise around 10 Lakh from the contest and donated 8 Lakh for the construction of an orphanage in Bajura.
Likewise; he is also developing a high tech mobile application for school students which aims to deliver quality, accessible and affordable educational contents. Apart from that he is also leading TEP as a Founder and has initiated dance, music, art, and coaching classes. His other venture “Dulari Bhagwat Group” – a registered Trademark , also provides educational content mainly to school students from grade 1 to 12. He has been inspiring millions of youths through virtual events and different learning platforms for teenagers and youths.