Mr. Rohan Kodag


Rohan Satish Kodag is a 16 years old Environmentailist from Pune. He has been working with Eco-Logic Foundation (ELF) for 5 years actively. He personally likes to help people and  bring positive changes in society and country. In the future, He wants  to be an architect and build beautiful houses with waste material.

Currently, he is actively working for the communities who have been hit badly by the COVID-19. He has been distributing PPE kits and ration kits with ELF to the needy ones. In which, Till date they have already distributed more than 1500 PPE kits to hospitals and front line workers and more than 4000 dry ration kits to different communities. He helps in training, preparing safety kits, hygiene kits and back end work required for ELF.

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