Mr. Samarth Jha

Samarth Jha - Socio Perspective - Nepal

Mr. Samarth Jha is a social activist, Mental Maths trainer, MUNer, Glocal’s 20under20 of2019 batch and a social entrepreneur from Biratnagar. He has initiated a 4 months MentalMath training program in Purwanchal Bal Sewa Ashram so as to teach students on how to use and calculate abacus. He also teaches different Vedic math’s techniques, which helps them to solve Arithmetic problems very quickly and easily. He is also one of the most prominent MUNer of Nepal where he continuously works hard to voice out his concerns on world issues through this platform. He is also a 3 times Nationalmathematics champion of UCMAS where he was able to solve 100 arithmetical problems in a matter of just 8 minutes. Currently, during this time of the pandemic, he has also initiated his own project through which he aims to systematically transform the way waste is collected and segregated in his city. Through this project, he also aims to address SDG goal 11 so as to contribute in making his country as one of the greenest counties all across Asia.

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