Ms. Saumya Tomar
Saumya Tomar is an 18 years old Activist from Ghaziabad. Currently, She is serving as the Youngest Community Well-Being Ambassador 2020-2021 at Light Up India. To address the most affected & deprived communities, She has researched on the potential Sources of Oppression, POSCO Act & Ecosystem Mapping, through the lens of a juvenile care child and has worked on developing a Community Project for the same. She has also designed a full-fledged SEL Module (Socio-Emotional Learning) incorporating the elements of activities to be taken up at the grass-roots level and led out potential livelihood opportunities for the youth in Juvenile Care Centers.The project has been selected among the Top 3 and will be further developed by Light Up India and Unbottle Emotions. Furthermore, She is also the Local Representative of her district (Ghaziabad) at the Young India Foundation.