Mr. Shubham Jha
Mr. Shubham Jha is a 18-year-old, aspiring filmmaker from Mahottari. Recently, He has made a short movie on the detrimental effects of Face Mask on the environment. As a Co-mentor in Incubate Nepal; He is leading a team of 5 people who will be working on creating a public art map for Nepal that aims to expose people to the hidden art of Nepal, ranging from Mithila Arts to Murals. Likewise, Subham has initiated a video series like ‘ELi5’ ( Explain like I am five) which focuses on explaining complex mathematical concepts in an easy way. Also, has started a group called ‘Sessions’; which aims to make it a hub for skilled people from all over Nepal. He is running Shubham Jha Vines freelance film production. Till now; he has directed and edited 24 short films.
Currently, He is serving as IT and Media Department head at Mathematics Initiatives in Nepal. He leads a team of 10 graphic designers, video editors to create posts and videos that help to expand the knowledge of Mathematics all over Nepal.