He is a determined and ambitious boy whose life theme is to help people who have been marginalized in society.
He is the founder of a CSP named ‘The Green Ribbon’ which helps psychiatric patients under rehabilitation in ‘Ruhunu Suwa Niwahana’ (a rehabilitation center attached to the Ministry of Health) via art therapy and simple arithmetic. He is also a member of a CSP named ‘School4All’ which helps children living in orphanages in Jakarta, Indonesia by teaching them Mathematics, Science, Bahasa Indonesian, English, Computer Skills, and Character Development. He uses art therapy to make people expressive and treat them.
He has represented Sri Lanka in 4 fields (Chess, Mathematics, Science, and Leadership) and won several medals. He has been a member of the International Junior Honor Society (IJHS) and been a member of the IJHS Global Student Leadership Council (GSLC).
He helps the marginalized people in society by combining with such organizations. He has helped psychiatric patients in the rehabilitation center. He is also volunteering as a Syllabus Preparer for the School4All CSP which helps children living in orphanages in Jakarta, Indonesia to develop their education.