Abhishek Karna is a young Technopreneur from Mahottari who believes technology can be used for the greater good of humanity and has created a positive mindset. He is passionate about Physics and Science. He is a 16-year-old teenager who is the founder of “Ecstatic Paradox”, which aims for the amalgamation of the Physics and Tech sector as a dominant descriptive with the needs of the present generation.

Abhishek is a tech enthusiast working on different tech projects. Currently, he is leading a project to build simulation software for understanding the practical approach of particle physics; mostly for high school students who read the theory of “Electrostatics” but are unable to visualize things. It aims to help students to play with quantum particles and get mathematical results with accurate calculations and remarks based on different modes and designs. He has been teaching students to write scientific articles in a proper format.

His Journey

Abhishek’s fascination towards physics and tech world initiated when he was in 9th standard. The pandemic has helped him to enter into the world of technology.  He has always been curious to know about working of nature and physics gave him the laws of nature and their manifestation in natural phenomena and he was inexplicably fascinated by this. He said, “I could be a good leader and create a research organization that’ll also develop technological marvels for entrepreneurship and create a multinational organization that has never been so educational as well as entrepreneurial.”

Abhishek’s immense passion helped him to lead and form the organization called, “Ecstatic Paradox” that he could use his skills and abilities. Through his organization, he has created a ripple effect in society about the subject physics, union of two different parts of science (Physics and Tech) into one organization and development of actual organized practical educational practices. He is an exemplary teenager who has managed academics along with non-academic. He has created a positive mindset in those people regarding their own abilities as well as an example that someone like me has initiated this organization and engaging members of young age and proves that “Age is just a number”. 

Created Impact through his initiation

Through his initiation; the teenagers have got an opportunity to learn about scientific processes and has created a positive mindset in those people regarding their own abilities. His course has enabled students to learn new things on physics and has developed practical educational practices. He sees himself as a simple person with a simple goal of educating global communities, co-ordinating the enthusiasts of science around the globe and giving out sustainable products and innovations that will make this world a better place.

Abhishek Karna was selected among the 20 brightest young entrepreneurs, innovators and game changers below the age of 20 in Nepal, for the year 2020. This annual list is the ultimate honour roll of young game changers reshaping Nepal for the better. The platform seeks to encourage the youth to share their initiation, creativity, and enthusiasm which will then motivate them and more of the other youths in the nation to develop entrepreneurial thinking. 

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