Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs are footpaths which are supposed to act as guidelines for a better tomorrow. With almost half the population capable to make a difference(being under 30), it is crucial for these youths to be actively involved in formulating these goals so that we, as the most ‘intelligent’ species, are using our best resource to give back.

Teenagers are people who fall in the age range of 13-19. During this time, creativity is at its peak, ideas are rampant. So we must make sure our creativity and thinking power are utilized in a good way, so that we are supporting good causes and meaningful actions. We must inspire communities who haven’t got the knowledge to break prejudices and end injustice. For something to actually happen, a group of people need to provide collective effort so that they can bring about the necessary changes they want. So teens must be able to form a team of like minded people and come  with projects which have a positive and a productive impact on society. In short, we must be able to be a critical part of carrying out actions, observing and reviewing the progress of SDGs.

One of the  platforms that supports the SDGs Agenda  is Glocal Teen Hero (GTH). It is run exclusively by youth for teenagers who are brimming with potential, who have the ideas which can change the world. It has been initiated by Glocal-Khabar, which is an online portal to cover news about youth, education and entrepreneurship. Glocal Teen Hero is an award night dedicated to commemorate the various innovative teenagers who have ideas that impact the society in a positive way. This program encourages teens to step out of their shell and be creative while taking care of the sustainability of their idea which promotes the idea of SDGs. All the while, GTH helps their sustainable principle friendly projects to network with some of the most influential delegates from various industries all over the country. So, the teenagers participating in GTH have the opportunity to have their ideas get amplified on a nationwide scale which might resonate within other people and inspire them to start practicing SDGs by their own on a small scale, which creates a ripple effect and one individual can influence a ton of other individuals to practice SDGs.

To summarise, teens might be the ones making all the big changes and  if the teens behind are constantly encouraged and pushed to their limit so they make full use of their capabilities for everyone to be living in a better place. And with platforms like Glocal Teen Hero and Glocal International Teen Conference, we are slowly inching towards our objective of achieving SDGs for a better Nepal.

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