Prajesh Khanal is an energetic and young activist, who has been working in the sector of environment and child rights.

Prajesh has worked in different child-led and youth-led organizations in different designations. He is a child club graduate who started his journey in 2012 from a school child club. With his experience working for child rights, he has been mentoring and advising Damak Municipal Child Network. He represented around 30000 children of Damak Municipality in planning and execution processes as the President of Municipal Child Network and worked for Child Friendly Local Governance in Damak. Currently, he is serving as the Advisor of the network.

He founded the ‘I Consume My Oxygen‘ campaign and is working with the motto of a “Clean, Green, Peace and Safe Nepal”. 

Prajesh is a recognized facilitator on Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG), Bal Bhela(Child Convention), child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Digital Media and Classroom/Community-Based Psychosocial Intervention (CBI). He was also engaged in drafting of the Child Rights Protection and Promotion Procedure, 2075(.S.) for Damak Municipality. 

Additionally, He has been featured in the Digital Book “Teens for Sustainable Development Goals” published by Glocal Pvt. Ltd. and UNDP, as one among the “seventeen exemplary teens who have been working and supporting the different Global Goals”. Prajesh has been recognized as a Global Peace Ambassador by the Global Peace Chain.

He is also a Member at UN Environment Programme Major Group of Children and Youth (UNEP MGCY), which is a formal Youth Engagement Mechanism to the UNEP.

His dedication and enthusiasm towards bringing impact in society has made him one of the early change-makers and recognized him as one of the Glocal’s 20under20 of 2017. Additionally, He was also one of the National Speaker for the Glocal International Teen Conference, 2019.

He is currently leading an initiative of uniting the youths and youth organizations across South Asia; called SAARC Youth Council. He has been re-uniting youths from different South Asian Countries. He is also engaged as a Mover with Movers Programme – a regional movement of volunteers who develop SDGs awareness, entrepreneurial mindsets and 21st-century skills by conducting localized training at a grassroots level. Similarly, he has been involved in various projects for the betterment of society and his work has been appreciated in both Nationally and Internationally.

Prajesh has always been enthusiastic and actively working in the field of environment and child-right sectors with the intention of finding himself. He has inspired millions of teenagers to believe in action and act for the betterment of society. He dreams of doing something big, something positive change that can make a huge impact in society or for the nation. 


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