In the seventh episode of Teenspire, Five Glocal Teen Heroes were invited to share their beautiful initiation and experiences; which has brought a positive impact nationally. 

The five heroes were Ms. Bipana Sharma (Glocal Teen Hero 2015), Mr. Shantosh Lamichhane (Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero 2016), Mr. Sachin Dangi (Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero 2017), Ms. Prashansha KC (Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero 2018), and Mr. Samir Phuyal (Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero 2019).

Below, you can know about the Glocal Teen Hero from our five consecutive Glocal Teen Heroes; 

How did you know about Glocal Teen Hero and what inspired you to apply in it? 

Bipana Sharma: I actually got to know about GTH from social media (Facebook) through a brother. I instantly realised that this is my cup of tea and thought that this platform can be a big exposure. So, that’s how I applied. 

Shantosh Lamichhane: As I was involved in robotics and mechanics, I really wanted to study abroad. One day on seminar, I met someone from the Glocal team who asked me if I had done anything great or at least impacted society positively besides academics; To which I replied, “I have been involved in robotics and all the research that I do are not part of my school curriculum and I think that is my skill.” After listening to this, she encouraged me to apply for GTH and later I applied online. 

Sachin Dangi: While I was searching for a mentor at an organisation, I met someone who asked me to apply to Glocal Teen Hero seeing my work and I gave it a shot at it and luckily I later went on to be the winner of Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero, 2017. 

Prashansha K.C.: After a debate competition at a school, I got Sachin’s (GTH 2017) Visiting card. When searching him up at Facebook, I got to know about his work, what he does to the community and I realised that I too have done something good for my community. So I also might be very eligible for applying here. This is something that inspired me to apply to GTH.

Samir Phuyal: I first saw about Glocal Teen Hero on social media, then I started approaching other Glocal Teen Hero winners to have some insights on it. I told them about the work that I have been doing. So, knowing their work impact; I was encouraged to apply and immediately I applied when the registration was opened. 

Best moment of the Glocal Teen Hero? 

Samir: When I was announced as the Finalist of Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero of 2019 and as a part of “Self Competency Development Workshop” we got opportunities to visit different organisations like CG, Yuwa and many others. I got a great deal of exposure from there. Seeing everyone with a drive made me really happy. It was really insightful when I met people like me, those were the best memories I had that time. 

Shantosh: For me, One of many best memories was at Nepalgunj. When we were sharing information about Glocal Teen Hero; One audience there asked me “What is the importance of this award and what value does it hold?”

This question actually made me think a lot even when the session was over. So I told myself that the award is not something that makes you a Hero, What you have done, How you performed before getting the award is something that makes you a hero. 

Sachin: Right after winning Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero, 2017; I got a call from a sir for lunch. There he told me that the best moment for him was,  when I won the award. At the event, I gave a speech saying, “I am the winner now and I will definitely get support, but the day when other 20 also get support is the day we start developing”.

I had not realised I said this, so later I felt that whatever I have done until now is with a team and when I was there to take the award, I still did not forget what was assigned to me and that is the best memory which I have. 

Prashansha: In Self Competency Development Workshop, After a meeting at Honda, all of us were getting back home and it was raining very heavily. I was listening to a song “dazed and confused” and that was the perfect moment in my life. But even more perfect than that moment was my realisation. A realisation that even if I do not win GTH, I will try my best to live my life to the fullest. This was the best memory I have from GTH. 

Bipana: I was the only one selected for GTH from outside the valley. Before winning Glocal Teen Hero,  I was asked a lot of questions in my interview which lasted for around 30 minutes. After my interview, my interviewers asked me to stay when everyone had left. The interviewer shook hands with my dad and told him, “Bipana is not only your daughter, she is the daughter of the entire nation”. And this was the best memory I had because it made me realise how potent I was. 

After receiving the Glocal Teen Hero Award, what other benefits did you receive?

Samir: The greater thing than my award was a great network of like minded teenagers. I was surrounded by everyone who inspired me.

Prashansha: After winning the award, I earned a sort of validation because previously, I used to question my own potential a lot. After winning I realised that I was capable of doing the unthinkable. Realising my potential was a must and that is what I received beyond my awards. 

Bipana: Something I got was continuous growth from this platform. And the thing beyond awards was definitely a drive for growth. 

Sachin: The best thing is definitely the people I met here. I have had very close relationships with most of them. But besides that, I was told that I have been quite an arrogant person which is true so because if the vibes I get from my friends and vecsey they are so supportive, I am able to push myself to do great things 

Shantosh: I got a huge recognition after winning GTH. It was a change when people started noticing me. This boosted my confidence to do more. 

What is your perspective on “Age Is Just A Number?” 

Bipana: When I was known as the first young person to do something in the child rights sector, I got to know that even as a child, I can do something good. I am capable of doing that and I realised that age is not a matter of how huge your work is. As a young person, you can even inspire those that are older than you. 

Sachin: When we look at a basic level, everyone it’s the same. Not only about age, when it comes to gender and race, you are capable of doing anything. You can definitely perform better when you have the drive. 

Shantosh: From my own experiences during some meetings, I will be the only person who is the youngest. Therefore I believe that age is just a number. 

Prashansha: I believe that age is just a number because we have seen not only teenagers, but great figures who have become billionaires at a very young age who have done great things in their life. And it is true too that you can do anything in life if you want to. 

Samir: About “age is just a number” I think that to do something great, you need not wait to become older. If you have thought about doing it, then you can do it. 

Message to teenagers!

Prashansha: To all the Teens, you should not take anything for granted; the time, your studies and your drive for a change. Sometimes you will not even have the pushing force and you will not know for sure from where to start or you start doubting yourself, but that should not happen even if you start small. You will continue to become better eventually. You should never think that you cannot achieve your goals and should never compare your goals to everyone else’s. So for all the teens do apply for GTH even if you think your work is small because it might only be you who think that it is small. 

Shantosh: Whenever you are in trouble, you need to think that you are privileged enough that you are getting food to eat and a place to stay. You should never let any sad moment in life last longer. 

Sachin: Do not feel inferior about yourself because when you let yourself down, you will not have a push to do things. So if you are confident about yourself, you can do it. 

Samir: You should study in the field you really want to pursue and if you face any setbacks in life, then you should never stop continuing whatever you want to do. And if you are a teen who has done something, be it huge or small you should apply to GTH because your work will at least be recognised and you will find a great network here as well. 

Bipana: If you are trying to do something and are encouraged and inspired by someone to do that, then the only thing missing between you and that inspiration is action. So you have to act the moment you are inspired and never quit what you are doing because quitting is never an option. 

“Teenspire” is a monthly series which is conducted by Glocal Pvt. Ltd. It was live-streamed through the Glocal Teen Hero Facebook page and Reality TV. Mr. Ajay Pandey (IT Manager of Glocal Pvt. Ltd) was the host of the session.



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