Mr.Pranjal Chalise is a 19 years old Enthusiastic Technopreneur & Independent Researcher from Kathmandu. He is a high school graduate who is enthralled by the idea of Computer Science’s limitless transdisciplinary possibilities. His work-platform and experience projects have unlocked the potential of Computer Science to address societal obstacles and communal difficulties on a micro to macro scale.

Pranjal has aided the Blind Community by inventing Drishti Nepal, which helps the blind community in currency bills recognition and cash transactions. By creating Kisan Nepal, a mobile application that offers agricultural news and information from reliable sources and keeps farmers informed and alert, he has helped to alleviate agricultural and farmer limitations. 

Currently, He is working as an incubator and app developer at Incubate Nepal. He is recognized as one of the brightest high school students (One of 20 selected students from all disciplines and one of 10 for Computer Science) from all over Nepal to work on open-end research projects under the mentorship of MIT and Harvard graduates.

His another venture, ‘Surakshya Nepal’-Women Safety App, provides a practical and reasonable solution to women’s safety. He has put a lot of effort into developing a Women Safety App which sends SOS alert messages to the concerned authorities during the time of an emergency.  Also, Pranjal is generating ripple effects in the lives of students, farmers, organizations, differently-abled individuals, women, and gender equality by developing mobile applications. 

He established a non-profit tech venture ‘e-educators Nepal’ to enhance the quality of online education and ease the accessibility of educational resources. Through his tech venture; ‘e-educators Nepal’ is helping students to improve their academic performance and nurturing their self-learning processes. 

Apart from that; He is the founder & Project Mentor of Students Research Council Nepal (SRCN), (an organization that provides the platform of research and project-based education to high-school enthusiasts and provides paper-writing and app development training). He finished the initial round of research and launched Gyan-E, Nepal’s first-ever discussion forum. They have guided 7 brilliant high schoolers under his mentorship. In the International Journal, SRCN has successfully published 4 research papers.

As a Computer Science Mentor, he taught coding and mobile app development to high school students. His work has been recognized by the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology for their efforts to introduce the concept of research and instill it in young students. 

Currently, He is also working in a research paper on the topic “Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts and its application in Nepal’s securities.” Apart from this; he has been effectively learning Data Science and Machine Learning from platforms like Coursera and edX for three years now. 

He is a member of the board of the Initiative in Nepal Foundation (INF) which has an international platform and audience. He is working as the President of Computer Science Initiatives in Nepal. The Foundation has partnerships with many recognized universities and their faculty, schools, and collaboration partners to promote the field of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science through sessions, workshops and different competitions related to STEM. 

Besides this; He is also working in BloomED (Bloom School Nepal), a non-profit educational and academic resource platform. He has been working as a content creation intern and contributed in drafting the educational resources that will be distributed to many students in disadvantage.

In the future, he envisions himself honing and upgrading talents, investing heavily in intensive training to obtain more advanced technology skills so that he may best serve the community.

Pranjal Chalise has been selected as a “Glocal’s 20under20 of 2021 Batch” as an early change-maker throughout the nation. Glocal’s 20 under 20 is an umbrella title for 20 early change-makers, who are teenagers from diverse fields, stepping out to create an impact in the society. 


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