Mr. Samip Paudel is a 16-year-old tech enthusiast and resourceful high school student who is motivated to use his abilities to make a positive contribution to our community. His major areas of interest are the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning research to optimize the value it creates. In addition, he has a strong interest in philosophy, social sciences, and public policy.

His Work,

Currently, he and his team are working as researchers and developers in Incubate Nepal to develop a system called HamroGPT, which will be specifically made to target the Nepali Audience. HamroGPT would give Nepali people and companies access to a plethora of knowledge in their own language. Also, he is working as a Data Analyst at the NEPOS Foundation, which is a small non-profit organization collaborating with Light for Life, a nonprofit based in Germany, for the Solar Project.

They aim to bring sustainable energy solutions to Khandachakra, Kalikot. Implementing sustainable energy solutions through solar panels in Khandachakra can provide the community with reliable access to electricity. Further, he is also working with a fellow researcher to conduct research into the matter to present a tangible policy and technological solution. He is also working as Student Researcher, at Ecstatic Paradox Research Org and also working on credit card fraud detection and message spam clarification.


Indulging in acts of discussion, and discourse, and actively working to create meaning and value have also played a significant role in inspiring him to work for the good and leave a great footprint behind. A bunch of students completed a comprehensive case study with a detailed survey among 440 students of his school in 20 classrooms of grades 8–10 and awareness campaigns and real-time policy changes at his school through his work. The problem was the dearth of English verbalization, and after the teamwork, they could experience the change that was brought on by the school’s premises. He organized competitions and events promoting critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

These initiatives have not only enriched students’ academic journeys but also contributed to a more skilled and capable workforce, ready to address real-world challenges and drive progress in our society.


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